Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Perfect answer

True admiration and honest appreciation... and a little bit of the tinglies.


Do you know what that is up there? That is the feeling you get after asking a person a question and then being given, dare I say rewarded with, the perfect answer.

How do I know what perfect answer feels like? Because I am lucky. So lucky. It was my pleasure tonight to know that I had just witnessed the most complete and, dare I say, mind-reading reply to any query I have ever postulated to either an audience or an individual! Ever.

Earlier I was messaging my friend and I threw out a flirty and clever question. After a few moments I read the response. I heard the record scratch and the music stop in my brain. I almost pictured my friend holding an imaginary mic into the air, pausing for that moment of trepidation before dropping it onto the stage and just walking off. The response was "Ralphie's Theme A+++++++" awesome. 

I told my friend as much:

"... no better has any answer every come from any question I have ever asked. In fact, you read my mind and answered better than how I knew to question it. Bravo."

So the question must've been a juicy one, right? Not one bit. It was totally mundane. And the answer was more or less about groceries. Meats. Cheeses. Crackers. Tortilla chips are way better than potato chips. Hummus. Carrots. Red Peppers. Peas in a pod. Almonds. Granny Smiths. Lots of good stuff.

It's these little things that get me through the day. It's taking time to appreciate the little things that make each day different. How often do you hear the perfect answer to your question? With a little luck, at least once, up until *that* point in your life. So I'm lucky. So lucky. Will a better one ever come along? I don't know. But the bar has been set.

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