Saturday, February 8, 2014

Bustin' ass

Watching people eat it, or bust their ass, is kinda funny to watch if you know that the person won't be or isn't hurt afterward.

I've often tried to explain how funny it is using stories from Bust Ass Hill back at Transy. But each time I try to formulate the story I realize how it really isn't something that you can explain with effectiveness, similar to how disengaging it can be for the recipient when relaying the contents of a nightmare. I digress...

My runner partner and I did our best to power through some crap weather the the conditions at the park were between Unsafe and Treacherous. I was slipping and sliding all over the place. It was not cool. We were barely down the block when she called it off and walked back to drive to her neighborhood. I looked both ways before crossing the street, just like they teach you, and while looking one way my partner busted ass the other. I caught her as she corrected but noticed the snow going up side of her. Teehee!

I didn't make it. Too little sleep? Too salty dinner? Didn't hydrate? The stop-and-go screwed me up? We walked. We started back up. We walked again. We decided it best to walk back and call it.

We were nearing the turn to her block. I was fiddling with the iPod. Flisssh. I was about to bust ass. I felt at least one foot wanting to fly up so, remembering "ankles over head", I tried to drop to the ground. I think my right elbow took most of the blow. Some old guy offered to help but we were both laughing by that point. I made some joke about being good at bouncing. /me is lame. ;)

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