Sunday, April 20, 2014


Being sick sucks. It always does. And it seems to take so long to recover these days. As bold and clumsy as I am at times, it is illness that will be the end of me.

I am finally coming out of the haze of this latest illness. I am on my second round of antibiotics. Levaquin. It fucks me all up. It's used to treat patients with Anthrax and plague. No shit. I am shitting you not. I experience mild pychotropic effects when mixing it with Prednisone. I'm dizzy and confused. It's a very weird sensation and hard to endure for long spats - especially when the insomnia hits.

I've been sick for nearly 3 weeks and I'm quite tired of it. I feel like I'm getting better but I'm not done with it. My cough is better but still deep. My ears are still full. And I still can't taste (that is getting very annoying).

I keep telling myself this will end soon. I don't know how in the world I am going to function at work tomorrow. I will have to work from home. Can I even work a full day? I haven't moved off the couch or out of bed unless I had to. I've burned through 3 seasons of Game of Thrones and caught up with the new Cosmos.

I've been to the doctor twice. I've been on two antibiotics. I use two inhalers. I'm taking cough syrup and nose spray. At some point wellness has to return. And I hope he brings his buds back with him... taste buds, that is!

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