Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: Resolution Year End Review

Last post of 2014! And what better way to end the year than reviewing the resolutions from the beginning of the year. Here is my EOY resolution review:

1. Be social! 100%, no question

2. Make media! I had set out to create a work of art every other week for a total of 26 pieces. I ended the year with 25 pieces, comprising of 13 paintings, 6 CD mixes, 3 pairs of Adidas shoes, and 3 installations. 96%

3. Social media. Blogging. Facebook and LinkedIn. Instagram. Zoosk and OKCupid. 100%

4. Social exercise. The goal was to run 300 miles. After I got Lung Plague in April I missed the mini-marathon. And after that I lost the desire to run. I ran a total of 74 miles in 2014. 74/300 = 25%

5. Read media. Ugh. I failed here. I read one book out of the six I resolved the read, and it was a very short one - The Art of War by Sun Tzu. 1/6 = 17%

6. Thrifty weekly spending. I wanted to keep weekly spending below $400/week. Weekly spending includes any non-monthly costs. I started the year strong but vacations, doctor bills, and reckless year-end spending got me off-track. I ended the year at $479/week. 84%

7. Do not touch the froggy. Froggy not touched. 100%

Mixed results. I really stuck a few but missed terribly with readin' and runnin'. My aggregate resolution rate turns out to be 74.5%. That's better than many years.

A year ago I wrote:
I am the king of breaking most resolutions but sticking to that one that doesn't make the year a total bust. How cool would it be if I stuck to all of these? "Fucking cool!" is the correct answer.
Did I stick to them? For the most part I am going to say I did... at least enough to say "Mission accomplished!" >:)

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