Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I think I am stronger than people give me credit for... even myself. Sure, things have been rough. But ask yourself this question: when aren't they?

Life is all about what you make out of what you are given.

I want that sentence to be all by itself up there because I truly believe that. The Universe gives us options and we choose to take them. We live with the rewards, consequences, benefits, and punishments for those choices. We win some. We lose some. We come out even. Times sometimes seem rougher than normal. Times sometimes seem greater than normal.

I have said this and will continue saying it: Happiness (in life) = Expectations (what you expect out of life) - Reality (what life gives you). It's really that simple. Find yourself sad more than you think you should? Maybe you are in a rough patch. Maybe life is kicking you while you are down ('cause Lawd it certainly seems like that's the way it goes). Or maybe, just maybe, you should expect less out of life. Just a suggestion.

I'm getting older. (DUH!?!, right? No shit... we're all getting older) I am no longer in my heyday when it comes to unadulterated fun and antics. But do I lament this fact? I hope not. I truly believe I am embracing my place in my life right now and facing what is to come with my chin up, my eyes open, and a smile on my face.

Why the introspection when my posts have recently been short and mundane? I'm not sure. But I think it has something to do with visiting with my two fave grrrls today and thinking about cycles and patterns by which we live. It bothered me to think that I may have fallen into a cycle I do not care to be in nor even admit to myself that I am in. But I thought long and hard about it and realized that I *feel* differently, act differently, and treat them differently. Most importantly, I love them both and can't think of my life without either. If I were just going through the motions of a cycle, would one not be interchangeable with the other?

Life is messy. Life is dirty. Life is mean. Make the best of it. I try to. :)

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