If I were to consider the previous 48 hours, the last 24 hours has been the yin to the previous 24's yang. And it's just what I needed.
I have no idea when I passed out last night at my desk. It was early. I woke up to daylight in bed. It was a hard sleep. I woke up and enjoyed my normal Sunday morning routine... video games in my pjs. I showered 'cause my hair was wacky. Enjoyed lunch. Garbanzo beans & green chiles over rice and sriracha. It wasn't my best batch but it's comfort food. It doesn't have to be right. Rearranged the living room with some talented help. I think this is it. I think it is locked in, Tetris tight. Watched a great movie - Pan's Labyrinth. And it felt so good. So relaxed. And a great movie! Hearty snack of cheeses, ham, and crackers. Watched some football. Fantastic stuff. Enjoyed some intense moments in the studio. Whew. Great afternoon. Fantastic. Ate a dinner of pb on dinner rolls and a banana. Watched the A-Rod doctor's confession on 60 Minutes. Yowza! Man, fuck baseball. Finished the evening with a comfort task... hand washing dishes. :)
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